for Families About
Girl Scouts of Swift Water Council
Click here for Family Frequently Asked Questions
Girl Scouting
A movement that gives all girls chance to develop their potential, to make friends,
and to become a vital part of their community. In partnership with caring adult
volunteers, Girl Scouting opens up a world of opportunity for girls. At Swift
Water, we are proud of our program, our volunteers, our girls and everything
they will accomplish now and in the future.
and Girl Scouting - You Can Help!
So many parents get involved with
Girl Scouting because they believe this program has something to offer their
daughters and they want to be part of that experience. Getting involved is easy
because there are so many ways that you can. Research shows your involvement
will enhance your daughter's Girl Scout experience! Whether you have only one
free hour a week or one free hour a month, there is an important position for
you. The possibilities are really endless, but here are some ways you can make
this Girl Scout year GREAT! And make life for your daughter's leader a whole
lot easier, too!
- Sponsor a troop through your business.
Sponsors can provide almost anything, from a meeting place, money, or a van
for a field trip.
- Attend one or two field trips
and help with the transportation.
- Agree
to bring a meeting snack once a year. Talk with other parents about doing
the same.
- Offer to do the troop phone calls,
copy or translate materials or help with record keeping. Any skills you have
can help the troop!
- Help with a cookie booth sale.
- Be a parent helper at one or two
meetings a year. You can help provide activities, serve as a consultant on
Try-Its or badges, or volunteer to be a program resource for the troop and
broaden the girl's experience with your expertise.
- Attend all parent meetings.
- Assist with shopping or rounding
up equipment when needed.
- Share special skills or your career
with girls.
- Care for younger children during
- Help by being the cookie or nut
parent (a job many dads enjoy!). Or take the council's free outdoor or first
aid training and be the camp-certified or first aid certified person for your
daughter's troop.
- Talk to your group leader and
let her/him know you're willing to help and find out how you can contribute.
- Donate to the Family
Partnership Campaign. Your financial gift will benefit your daughter's
troop and the entire Girl Scout Council!
Take an hour a week and get involved. You'll become a part of your daughter's
life and will enjoy watching her grow as a leader, as a member of a team,
and as a girl. Sure, the girl comes first in Girl Scouting, but as the adult
members can attest, there's a lot of fun in it for grown ups, too! Find
out more about volunteering.
What kind of information you
would like to see on our Family Pages. Please email
© 2004 Girl Scouts of Swift Water